Sunday, June 24, 2007

QSObject identifier and indexing

When contributing to the Quicksilver catalog you must set the identifier for the QSObject if you want it to maintain the default value and ranking information. This makes sense but there was an issue in 0.9.1 of qseclipse because I wasn't doing this. Apparently the equality algorithm takes this into consideration when determining object equality. Version 0.9.2a contains this fix. Workspace and workspace log catalog entries now retain this information across indexing operations.

Version 0.9.2a Released

I fixed bug 13 which was prohibiting Quicksilver from recognizing catalog entries as being equivalent across indexing operations. It was a simple fix but it warranted a release as it now behaves as expected in regards to setting the default entry for text and maintaining rank information. 0.9.2a has been uploaded. Installation instructions can be found on the wiki.
